Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

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Microsoft Excel

Join us for a comprehensive five-week virtual course designed to equip you with essential Microsoft excel skills. Led by expert trainers, each two-hour session will cover fundamental excel functionalities, empowering you to boost your efficiency and productivity in various professional and personal endeavours. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to refresh your knowledge, this course is tailored to meet your needs.

What you'll learn

Session 1: Introduction to Excel

  • Navigating the Excel interface
  • Understanding cells, rows, and columns
  • Entering and editing data
  • Saving and opening Excel files

Session 2: Basic Formulas and Functions

  • Introduction to formulas and functions
  • Using arithmetic operators
  • Common functions: SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN
  • Applying basic formatting techniques

Session 3: Data Management and Analysis

  • Sorting and filtering data
  • Managing worksheets and workbooks
  • Introduction to data validation
  • Basic data analysis techniques

Session 4: Charts and Graphs

  • Creating charts and graphs from Excel data
  • Customizing chart elements
  • Selecting the appropriate chart type
  • Adding trendlines and data labels

Session 5: Advanced Features and Tips

    • Conditional formatting for data visualization
    • Tips for efficiency and productivity
    • Q&A and wrap-up
  1. Who is this course designed for?

This course is designed for individuals at all levels, from beginners with little to no experience in Excel to those looking to refresh their skills. It caters to professionals, students, and anyone seeking to enhance their proficiency in Microsoft Excel.

  1. What are the prerequisites for this course?

There are no prerequisites for this course. It is open to anyone interested in learning the basics of Microsoft Excel. Whether you're completely new to Excel or have some prior experience, you'll find the content valuable and accessible.

  1. How will the course be delivered?

The course will be delivered virtually through interactive sessions conducted via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Participants will receive the necessary login information and instructions prior to the start of the course.

  1. What is the duration of each session?

Each session will last for two hours, providing ample time for comprehensive instruction, hands-on practice, and Q&A sessions with the instructor.

  1. Will recordings of the sessions be available?

Yes, recordings of each session will be made available to registered participants for reference purposes. This ensures that you can revisit the material at your own pace and review any concepts covered during the course.

  1. Can the course fee be paid in instalments?

Yes, the course feecan be paid in instalments for your convenience. Please contact us for more information on instalment options and payment schedules.

  1. What if I have questions or need additional support outside of the sessions?

We encourage participants to ask questions during the sessions, but if you have questions or need support outside of the scheduled sessions, you can reach out to the instructor via email or through the course platform. We're here to help ensure your learning journey is smooth and successful.

  1. Is there a certificate of completion offered for this course?

Yes, participants who attend all sessions and complete any assigned exercises will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. This certificate can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio and resume.

If you have any further questions or concerns not addressed here, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to excel in Excel!


Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a Certificate of Accomplishment, a tangible symbol of your dedication and achievement. This certificate serves as a testament to your commitment to learning and mastering the skills covered in the course.

To receive your Certificate of Accomplishment, you’ll need to fulfill all the requirements outlined by the course instructor or provider. These requirements may include attending all sessions, completing assignments or assessments, and actively participating in discussions or activities throughout the course duration.

Once you have met the criteria for completion, the certificate will be awarded to you electronically.

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