Basic IT Skills

Basic IT Skills

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Basic IT Skills

Welcome to the Basic IT Skills Course, your gateway to embracing technology and navigating the evolving landscape of modern work.

In today’s dynamic world, where digital transformation and technological advancements reshape industries at an unprecedented pace, it has become essential to equip ourselves with the fundamental IT skills needed to thrive in the new era of work.

This course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to embrace technology, adapt to changing work styles, and confidently navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence (AI) and information technology (IT). 

What you'll learn
Who Should Attend

Week 1: Introduction to Computers and Operating Systems

  • Session 1: Understanding Computer Hardware and Software
    • Introduction to different computer components (CPU, RAM, storage devices, etc.)
    • Overview of operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Session 2: Introduction to Operating Systems and File Management
    • Basics of navigating the operating system interface (desktop, file explorer, finder)
    • File management: creating, renaming, moving, and deleting files and folders

Week 2: Productivity Tools

  • Session 1: Introduction to Word Processing
    • Using Microsoft Word or equivalent software for creating documents
    • Formatting text, paragraphs, and pages
  • Session 2: Introduction to Spreadsheets
    • Using Microsoft Excel or equivalent software for data organization and analysis
    • Basic formulas, functions, and formatting in spreadsheets

Week 3: Communication and Collaboration Tools

  • Session 1: Email Basics and Etiquette
    • Setting up and managing email accounts
    • Writing effective emails and understanding email etiquette
  • Session 2: Introduction to Online Collaboration Tools
    • Using platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, or Slack for team communication and collaboration
    • Understanding features such as chat, file sharing, and video conferencing

Week 4: Internet Safety and Basic Troubleshooting

  • Session 1: Internet Safety and Security
    • Identifying common online threats (phishing, malware, etc.)
    • Best practices for staying safe online (password management, software updates, etc.)
  • Session 2: Basic Troubleshooting Techniques
    • Identifying and resolving common computer issues (slow performance, software errors, etc.)
    • When and how to seek help from IT support
  • Individuals new to IT seeking to build foundational skills
  • Professionals looking to enhance their IT proficiency for career advancement
  • Students preparing for academic or professional pursuits requiring IT knowledge
    1.  Who is this course designed for?
      • This course is designed for individuals who are new to computers or want to improve their basic IT skills for both office environments and everyday life.

      2. What will I learn in this course?

      • Throughout the 4-week program, you will learn essential computer skills including understanding computer hardware and software, navigating operating systems, using productivity tools like word processing and spreadsheets, communication and collaboration tools, internet safety, and basic troubleshooting techniques.

      3. Do I need any prior experience with computers to enroll in this course?

      • No prior experience is necessary. This course is designed for beginners, and the content is structured to gradually build your understanding and skills from the ground up.

      4. What software will be used in the course?

      • The course will primarily use common software applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for productivity tasks. Additionally, we'll cover basic operating system functions using Windows, macOS, or Linux.

      5. How are the sessions structured?

      • Each week consists of two 2-hour sessions led by the instructor. Sessions will include a mix of instructor-led teaching, hands-on activities, and Q&A sessions to ensure you understand and can apply the concepts covered.

      6. Will there be assignments or homework?

      • While there won't be formal assignments or homework, participants are encouraged to practice the skills covered in class outside of session hours to reinforce learning.

      7. What if I have questions or need additional help outside of class?

      • You can ask questions during the sessions, and the instructor will provide assistance. Additionally, resources for further self-study will be provided, and you can seek help from IT support if you encounter specific issues.

      8. Is there a final assessment or certification upon completion of the course?

      • While there isn't a formal final assessment, participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course to recognize their participation and successful acquisition of basic IT skills.

      9. How can I register for the course?

      • Registration details will be provided through the organizing institution or platform offering the course. Keep an eye out for announcements or visit the designated registration page for instructions on how to enroll.

      10. What if I miss a session?

      • If you miss a session, don't worry! Course materials and resources will be made available for review, and you can catch up on missed content with the help of the instructor or classmates.


    Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a Certificate of Accomplishment, a tangible symbol of your dedication and achievement. This certificate serves as a testament to your commitment to learning and mastering the skills covered in the course.

    To receive your Certificate of Accomplishment, you’ll need to fulfill all the requirements outlined by the course instructor or provider. These requirements may include attending all sessions, completing assignments or assessments, and actively participating in discussions or activities throughout the course duration.

    Once you have met the criteria for completion, the certificate will be awarded to you electronically.

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